
Have your say on Strategic Plan: a city that grows, moves, healthy & green, engaged

strat plan imageThe city is seeking your input on the revised Strategic Plan. The draft includes four areas of focus:

  • a city that grows
  • a city that moves
  • a healthy & greener city
  • an engaging city

Residents are invited to attend one of four upcoming open houses in December and January to learn more about Burlington’s Strategic Plan 2015-40.

The draft strategic plan will go to City Council in early 2016. Before then, the city would like to know what residents think of the draft plan. The city will host four open houses at four locations in December and January. There will be displays and copies of the draft plan for review.

Open House Dates and Times


Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
Burlington Seniors’ Centre
2285 New St.
Multi-purpose Room
7 – 9 p.m.

Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
LaSalle Park Pavilion
50 North Shore Blvd. E.
Main Hall (upper level)
7 – 9 p.m.

Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
Mountainside Recreation Centre
2205 Mount Forest Dr.
Community Room 2
7 – 9 p.m.

People who can’t make it to one of the open houses can share their input into the draft strategic plan online.

  • Enter your comments through Insight Burlington, the city’s online community. The survey will be available starting Jan. 4, 2016
  • Email  with any comments at any time.
  • Leave a comment below
  • Email me at:


Written by Marianne Meed Ward

I was inspired to seek public office because I believe, like so many of you, “I can do something about that” on the issues we face. As councilor, my role is to take a stand on what’s best for residents and go to bat for it. Pushback is inevitable from those who don’t have the community’s interests at heart. I will stand with you and for you, to achieve the best interests of our city, without caving to unacceptable compromise in the name of consensus.

One Comment

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  1. Ok. Without having read the report which I’m sure paints a glowing picture of the future of our city, allow me to play the devil’s advocate:

    ‘a city that grows’ – Not so much. Provincial law mandates infill development before boarder expansion. Perhaps those who developed this brilliant idea should go back to the psychology studies done in the 50s and 60s that showed what happens when you packed lab rats into more and more dense living conditions. Its not pretty.

    ‘a city that moves’ – Are you kidding. Have you driven down any of our major arterial roads at rush hour? More like a city that stands still.

    ‘a healthier and greener city’ – Not likely based on what we hear in the media. People are dying from bad air, our lakes are unfit to swim in and global warming is going to doom us all. Oh and by the way, nothing you do will make any difference. Greener? what about all those trees being taken down for infilling?

    ‘an engaging city’ – Does neighbours shouting at each other qualify as engagement?

What's your take?