Fee increases are being proposed to a range of new and existing services to reflect inflation (between 1-3%), cost recovery, and comparisons to neighbouring municipalities. Many fees have no increase, and some leadership/training fees have substantially decreased to align with area municipalities, including lifesaving instructor and first aid training.
New fees include:
- $459 for Motor Vehicle Fire Emergency Response – Non Resident
- 100% cost recovery for fire department technical rescue (eg. High angle, confined space) or environmental service calls
- $800 for discharging high hazard fireworks without a permit
- $800 for discharging low hazard fireworks any day except Victoria Day and Canada Day, and three days immediately preceding
- A recreational swim “day rate” and reduced “twilight rate” for Nelson and Mountainside outdoor pools.
No increases are proposed for transit or parking fees.
User fees form one of the most significant portions of revenue earned by the city, and help to mitigate property tax increases. Unless otherwise indicated, fees will be adjusted January 1, 2018.
The fee changes are on the agenda for Committee of the Whole Sept. 25.
My Take:
The proposed increases and new fees seem reasonable; I support no increase in parking fees or transit fees – Burlington is among the highest.
Poor old Mr. Joseph Brant would turn over in his grave if he knew what they were spending on his home! In keeping history as it was, this “pristine gold chapel” that they are pouring the mega dollars into, seems to me as outright ridiculous. It is the most expensive tourist attraction, for those that may, or may not wish to even see. Think the monies could be used much effectively elsewhere.