Accessibility, Arts & Culture, Committee & Council meetings, Development, P&D Agenda Sept 5: Arts funding & cultural action plan; Official Plan public input summary; Zoning amendment 1215 Appleby; Accessibility cmte annual report
28 Shares Arts & Culture, Budget, Committee & Council meetings, Development, To council: update on John St. development; tall building guidelines; budget 2018; $1 million for JoBrant Museum; living wage study; active aging plan
3 Shares Committee & Council meetings, Community engagement, Downtown & Waterfront, April 20 public meeting on future of downtown as a mobility hub, overview of draft new Official Plan
2 Shares2 Comments Committee & Council meetings, Backlog of infrastructure renewal needs drops $7 million
15 Shares12 Comments Committee & Council meetings, Protocol proposed for dealing with abusive behaviour by public delegations
Committee & Council meetings, Downtown & Waterfront, Economic Development, Tourism and events, Transit & Roads, Pop-up patio program may be extended another year
5 Shares Committee & Council meetings, Townhouse rezoning for 2360-2368 New St, sports field standards, public art projects to P&D Feb 28
5 Shares Committee & Council meetings, Council salaries/expenses, Emerald Ash borer plan, library economic impact, Burloak grade separation, year end financials to COW Feb. 27