Approval of five lots & seven homes at 1167 Bellview recommended
Staff are recommending approval of a residential plan of subdivision consisting of five lots and a private roadway at 1167 Bellview Crescent, and approval of a rezoning to permit seven detached dwellings. There is an existing detached dwelling on the lot that is proposed to be demolished.
The rezoning application seeks approval to permit two detached freehold dwellings fronting on Bellview Cres. and five detached dwellings on lots that will be parcels of tied land at the rear of the property. The plan also shows a 9.7 m common element road to provide access for the five parcels of tied land.
One of the previous challenges with this development was obtaining road access to the site. A shared facilities agreement with the adjacent condominium corporation has now been executed which addresses the shared use, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement, and shared costs of features including the internal road, water mains, storm sewers, snow plowing, street lighting, etc. Execution of this agreement ensures access can be provided to lots at the rear of 1167 Bellview Cres. by extending the private road constructed for the 1173 Bellview Cres. development.
Staff recommended several modifications to the project including: Increasing the requested height from 1.2m to 1.5m for the 2 storey dwellings; reducing the lot coverage from 40% to 37.5% for a 2 storey dwelling; reducing the porch projection into a front yard from 2.5m to 1.5m; increasing the rear yard set back from the homes on Carol St. from 7.5 m to 8.5 m.
Staff did not support the request for 45% overall lot coverage, as it was considered incompatible and out of character with adjacent developments.
The item will come to the April 19 Development & Infrastructure Committee for discussion. To read the report or register to speak visit:
Agendas & Minutes; Register as a Delegation
April 20, 2016 @ 6:03 pm
Any idea who the Builder will be?
April 26, 2016 @ 10:39 am
Markay Homes. More information is here: the project was approved at committee. Now goes to council May 9.