The following item will be discussed at the Planning & Development Committee, 6:30pm, Dec. 4. The agenda and associated reports are here: P&D Dec. 4
Regular Items:
In order to speak at a Planning and Development Committee meeting, individuals must register no later than noon on the day before the meeting. You will have a maximum of 10 minutes. To register, complete the online application at, email or phone 905-335-7600, ext. 7481.
Any motions or recommendations arising from this meeting will go to City Council for final approval Mon. Dec. 11, 6:30 pm, in Council Chambers. Residents can delegate at council for up to five minutes. Advance registration is required: Register as a Delegation
If you already spoke on an item at Committee, you can speak to Council, but must bring new information on that item.
Read the full agenda and related reports here: P&D Dec. 4
Watch for further articles on this item, including My Take.