
Compost Giveaway

May 8 – 14, 2017

Halton Region will again be offering free compost to Halton residents at its Halton Waste Management Site, 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton. Residents can take up to the equivalent of 7 garbage bags of compost per household.


Monday, May 8 to Saturday, May 13, 2017, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 14, 2017, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

What should I bring?

  • Shovels – residents are responsible for shoveling and bagging their own compost.
  • Containers – yard waste bags, garbage bags, reusable containers, pick-up bed, trailer.
  • Donations – residents are encouraged to make a donation of non-perishable food items or a monetary donation to support local Halton food banks.

Backyard composters

Backyard composters can be purchased for $15 at the Halton Waste Management Site. Cash, Debit, Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Backyard composters can also be purchased at various hardware stores throughout Halton.

Written by Marianne Meed Ward

I was inspired to seek public office because I believe, like so many of you, “I can do something about that” on the issues we face. As councilor, my role is to take a stand on what’s best for residents and go to bat for it. Pushback is inevitable from those who don’t have the community’s interests at heart. I will stand with you and for you, to achieve the best interests of our city, without caving to unacceptable compromise in the name of consensus.

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