City reissues business licence to Melodia; allows music on the patio
Many thanks to the dozen or so residents who attended the public meeting regarding Melodia Restaurant July 29 to discuss the past year of operations and changes to the business licence. This annual meeting with the neighbourhood is required under Melodia’s liquor licence, business licence and the Committee of Adjustment conditions for when building and patio were approved.
Under previous ownership, this location had been plagued by noise, vandalism and drunkenness, and the liquor licence had been pulled.
Since the ownership has changed, however, there has been peace in the neighbourhood. I have had no complaints from residents. I want to thank the owners for being great corporate citizens and good neighbours.
In recognition of Melodia’s sensitivity to the surrounding neighbourhood, the city issued Melodia’s annual business licence Aug. 12, with one change that will allow speakers on the outdoor patio to play music “at a moderate level” so as not to “create a nuisance to the surrounding community.” Music must cease by 11pm.
Music on the patio will be allowed for a trial period of seven months from Aug. 13-Oct. 13 2014, and again from May 13 to Aug. 13 2015, when the licence will be up for annual renewal.
If noise from music on the patio disturbs area residents, the original condition forbidding speakers on the patio will be reinstated.
If the pilot is successful, and the owners wish patio music to be a permanent feature of their business licence, they will need to apply in 2015 for a variance under the Committee of Adjustment. The Committee issued a condition when the original variance was granted for the building and patio permit that no outdoor music would be allowed; only that Committee can permanently revoke the condition.
Read the business license here: Melodia Business Licence 2014
My Take: I’m supportive of allowing this change on a trial basis, because of the good behaviour of Melodia over the past year, the lack of resident complaints, and in the interest of fairness: restaurants across the street have speakers with music on their patios. I’m confident the appropriate safeguards have been put in place to revoke this privilege if music from the patio does disturb residents.
Your Take: Do you support the temporary change to the business license, on a trial basis? Leave a comment below.
August 14, 2014 @ 10:32 pm
Very effective at being ineffective.
As long as the outdoor patio is licensed to serve alcohol, nearby residents are protected by the Liquor License Act of Ontario as per Section 46.
46. The holder of a licence that applies to outdoor premises shall not permit noise that arises directly or indirectly from entertainment on the premises or from the sale and service of liquor to disturb persons who reside near the premises. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 719, s. 46.
August 14, 2014 @ 8:24 am
I do not support this decision -in my mind it is a step backwards . I lived in a condo with patios below- the music does interfere with the residents as it continues for hours. It also makes people talk more loudly to be heard over the music – add alcohol and it exacerbates the problem. I moved to get away from it.
August 14, 2014 @ 7:35 am
Thanks Marianne, We have enjoyed peaceful evenings for the first time in years. It seems that all outdoor “music” has been toned down to reasonable levels. Or maybe deafness has helped?