Public provide input on Windows to the Lake

WIndow to the Lake

There was excellent turnout at the public meeting to review staff proposals to enhance the Windows to the Lake at the road ends of St. Paul St. and Market St. The plans are a result of the previous council decision to sell off city-owned waterfront land between these two road ends to adjacent homeowners, and develop windows to the lake for public use in a “minimalistic” fashion.

Though it wasn’t part of the original staff direction, staff took the initiative to present plans for Green St., in response to concerns from residents about this area being neglected and overgrown.

To see the powerpoint from the meeting showing the concepts for each Window to the Lake visit:

Windows to the Lake presentation April 2015

Overall, the plans include a bench, garbage can, bike rack, fence options at water’s edge, and paved accessible path to allow people with mobility devices to use the park.

Some of the key themes that emerged:

Staff asked for feedback on lighting – should there be any? What type? Input ranged from no lighting to a motion activated light.

Staff asked for feedback on fencing at the water’s edge, given the height above the lake. Several options were presented including metal, iron and post and chain style, the latter found at the Port Nelson Park. Residents had different perspectives on fencing type.

Staff also asked for feedback on tree planting, with some residents asking for some trees to be planted for shade.

Residents immediately adjacent to the Windows also expressed concerns about security and plans the city might have to ensure the public does not venture onto private lands. Some of the abutting residents have previously fenced their private lands.

Staff kept notes of resident feedback to help inform their final recommendations.

Staff will review all of the public feedback and bring their recommendations via a report to the June 16 Community & Corporate Services Committee first, then the June 22 council meeting for final approval. Residents can attend both meetings and provide input.

What elements would you like to see at the Windows to the Lake? Leave a comment below.

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