Over 50 residents attend New-Drury road work meeting
It was a great turnout at the Feb. 22, 2016 public meeting where residents learned about the road work project starting this year on New Street, Drury Lane, Prospect Street, Courtland Drive, Tallman Avenue and Stinson Avenue.
View the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting on the City’s dedicated webpage for this project: http://www.burlington.ca/en/services-for-you/street-improvements-near-new-street-and-drury-lane.asp.
The intersection of Prospect & Drury Lane was a real concern for several residents in attendance. Residents shared details of vehicles passing in the intersection and speeding along Prospect Street. Halton Police are aware of these concerns and are targeting enforcement in the area.
The Feb. 22 meeting notes and detailed traffic information for the intersection of Prospect & Drury Lane are below.
Notes Feb. 22 2016 Public Meeting – Road work on New Drury Prospect Stinson Tallman Courtland
Prospect and Drury Intersection Traffic Counts
March 9, 2016 @ 11:40 am
Bike Lanes on New Street is a dumber idea than bike lanes on Appleby and Walker’s Line. I walk the area every week day. they are seldom used even in summer, certainly not from October through April. Traffic in Burlington is bad enough without taking away more lanes. New Street is a major corridor. Please stop this nonsense and vote No. Spend your time on having our roads repaved. Many arterial and collector roads are in terrible shape. No more blue sky ideas please.