It was an incredible honour to meet Fred Fox, Terry Fox’s brother, in August and visit the monument to Terry at Spencer Smith Park, and the tribute to Terry at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
Terry Fox – Running to the Heart of Canada provides a look at Terry’s epic 143 day, 5,373 kilometer journey from St. John’s, Nfld., to Thunder Bay, Ont. The exhibit, on till Sept. 10, tells the story of Terry’s battle with cancer, his Marathon of Hope and its enduring impact, through letters, newspaper clippings and photos, including pictures of leg of the marathon through Burlington.
The exhibit is organized by the Canadian Museum of History in partnership with the Terry Fox Centre, as well as the AGB and Terry Fox’s family.
Terry’s story inspires every time you hear it. Terry thought his cancer was beaten when he started his Marathon of Hope. In a letter seeking sponsorship for his Marathon, included in the exhibit, Terry outlines his reasons for the run – though he escaped cancer, many others in the hospital with him during his treatment didn’t. He wanted to help others who were suffering.
Terry had to cut his Marathon short when cancer returned, but the foundation he started during that remarkable effort has raised more than $650 million. He came through Burlington at km 3582 along Lakeshore Rd and Spencer Smith Park where the monument to Terry is installed.
Terry’s legacy lives on in Burlington with the annual Terry Fox run along Spencer Smith Park and the beachway. This year’s run, Sun. Sept. 17, will depart from the monument. You can sign up to run or donate here: Terry Fox Run
A flag will be flown at City Hall the week prior to the race.
Thanks to everyone who pulled this exhibit and Fred’s visit together to remind us of Terry’s legacy, including the Burlington Sport Alliance, AGB, local Terry Fox Run organizers including Don Carmichael, Greg Costa, Craig Gardner and others. Terry is an inspiration to all of us, as are all the volunteers who continue his effort to raise money to beat cancer.
Did you even read the article? It says people are killing themselves by pursuing alternative “therapies”.
I think it’s deplorable to invoke the memory of Terry Fox in spewing ludicrous fantasies
We’re all being killed by our cancer industry, unfortanately, Terri Fox, a brave soul of merit could not see through their lies and they eventually got him as well! Lets not forget the recently cured Mayor of Toronto, killed at age 42/43.
Children with cancer are having Chemo forced on them, with threats of having them removed from their families by your Children’s Aid Societies. A friend had to go to court to fight them off, she wanted to use natural methods to deal with her child’s Crohn’s disease. The kid had food allergies and they wanted to destroy her intestines. THIS is the true legacy of our corrupted medical systems, for god sakes people, grown your own food and wake up, all the real cures for disease come from eating, real, living food, “Let Food BE Thy Medicine and thy Medicine BE THY FOOD”. Let parents be the decision maker when it comes to treatment protocol, not the Cancer/ Pharma Industry! 58% of Americans use Opiods folks, if that doesn’t show how messed up things are, nothing will. I’m sure we’re not far behind in this province.