Residents get first peek at Beachway Park Master Plan
Missed the public meeting on the Beachway Master Plan? Here’s the link to the presentation showing the proposed sections and development of the plan.
Beachway Park Public Open House Presentation Apr 7 2015
No timeline or budget for completion has been set. The plans include removal of all the privately-owned homes in the beach. Several have recently been sold to the Region, however many residents have said they intend to remain in their own homes and not sell to the Region. This is a very controversial issue, and decision, that is affecting this neighbourhood to the point that the Region is becoming almost the only buyer. I support the retention of this historic neighbourhood along the beach, which has been here for over 100 years. This community does not impede public access to the shoreline, and enhances the beach area. I support improvements to the park along the path, parking and shoreline, on land already in public hands, and do not support buying private properties to remove this neighbourhood for further park expansion.
For more information, visit the Region of Halton’s Burlington Beach Regional Waterfront Park web page.
View TVCogeco’s news story about the public meeting:
April 16, 2015 @ 1:02 pm
Wth regard to the mtg at the BAC re the Beachway and Spencer Smth Park Plan. It dd show a number of the suggestons put forward by those of us who worked on them several years ago. Unfortunately they dd NOT show the legally owned homes by those who resde on the beach and who specfcally want t to be known that they wsh to stay. For Shame, ths s a slap n the face to honest home ownng tax payng ctzens who have Every Rght To Express ther Wshes to Reman Lvng there. Further more, put to a vote I for one wll vote YES for those who wsh to reman to be able to do so. There s No reasonable reason to remove these homes, as they do not mpede walkng swmmng or any other actvty on the beach. They also provde “Eyes on the Beach and a place to seek assstance f requred and therefore no need to hre securty to patrol. The only thng left then s to wonder f these houses are wanted so desperately to be removed s so that future hg rses may be bult at an astronomcal rate. NO TO HIGH RISES ANYWHERE ON THE LAKE SHORE OR IN ANY EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREA WHERE THEY D O NOT CONFORM TO THE AREA. VIEWS TO THE LAKE ARE FOR EVERYONE, NOT THE FEW WITH DEEP POCKETS.
April 22, 2015 @ 9:02 am
I have to agree 100% wth Joan. I understand that ths was a “TO BE” document, but the fact that exstng homes and hydro wres were not adequately addressed s perplexng. It s becomng more and more evdent that our communty s run by Developers and Contractors. Why are monster homes approved by the local government, when, n most cases, they do not conform to the surroundng archtecture? Is the government powerless to stop ths? The percepton from resdents s that money drves all of ths. What a shame for Burlngton…
April 16, 2015 @ 12:14 am
The plan hasn’t come to Regonal Councl for a vote yet. There are dscussons underway wth Hydro One to move the hydro wres off the beach closer to the hghway, and to use more modern poles wth a sleek profle. No decsons have been made yet.
April 15, 2015 @ 10:22 am
May I ask whch Councllors are for ths proposed Plan? May I also ask what s gong to be done about the Power Lnes & structures? Dd I mss ths n the Presentaton?