Ask the Councillor Mar2016: Paving on Courtland; police action on traffic
Resident D. R. asks: Why isn’t Courtland East of Drury Lane being resurfaced at the same time as the rest of the road work on Drury?
The city has a pavement management system which tracks the condition of the entire city owned roads network. The pavement quality index (PQI) of Courtland is currently 73 out of a scale of 1 to 100, whereby a score of 100 is a perfectly new road. There are no drainage needs on this section, and the curb and sidewalk are in reasonable condition.
Based on the pavement condition, age of road and traffic conditions, the rehabilitation of Courtland Dr from Drury Ln to Central park is not warranted at this time. Due to the age of the road, it is not a candidate for resurfacing or another intermediate treatment. The next predicted rehabilitation treatment would involve the full reconstruction of the roadway, storm sewers, and sidewalks.
The city coordinates any Regional works on water and sanitary services. The city’s trails strategy has also identified an opportunity to enhance the connection with Central park.
City staff annually review the condition of the city’s roads and will include this section of Courtland on the tour. Staff will strive to introduce this section into the Capital Budget and Forecast as priority and budget allow.
If you have any questions contact:
Paul Rohoman, P. 905 335 7600, ext. 7685 E.
How do I report traffic complaints; vehicles speeding in my neighbourhood, or not stopping at a stop sign?
Halton Police are concerned over the increased number of traffic incidents involving death and serious injury across the region and have said motor vehicle collisions are the greatest public safety risk facing our community today. What are the police doing and how can you get involved? Below is a list of seveal projects underway through Halton Police. It is very important for residents to report reoccurring traffic issues so targetted enforcement can be undertaken. Report a traffic issue: Traffic Complaints
Halton Regional Police Projects:
R.I.D.E. The Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) program remains a key deterrent against drunk driving. R.I.D.E. spot checks are conducted year round, with an emphasis placed on holidays and long weekends when higher volumes of traffic and opportunities to drink and drive are present.
The results of the 2015 R.I.D.E. holiday campaign which ran from December 1st-31st are as follows:
• Vehicles stopped: 15,000
• Three-day suspensions: 46 (65% increase from 2015)
• Impaired charges: 31
Provincial Seat Belt Campaigns – Provincial Seat Belt Campaigns are held twice yearly to educate and inform members of the public about the importance and legal requirements surrounding seat belt use. In 2010, the provincial compliance rate was 95%.
Project Safe Start – Project Safe Start is an annual initiative that enforces road safety for students and drivers at schools in the days following the start of the school year. Specific attention is paid to the five “S” infractions: speeding, seat belts, stop signs, school bus and zone enforcement.
Radar Message Board / Speed Shield – Members of Communities on Phone Patrol (COPP) and the Burlington Crime Prevention Committee set up the Halton Regional Police Service radar message board to raise awareness about speeding year-round and during annual campaigns such as Project Safe Start.
Operation Tag and Tow – Commercial Motor Vehicle enforcement plays a significant role in keeping Halton Region roads safe. The HRPS partners with other police agencies, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of the Environment and the Region of Halton to conduct commerical motor vehicle blitzes which focus on identifying vehicles that may not be properly maintained and could pose a danger on our roads.
Project Five-0 – Project Five-0 is a traffic safety initiative that targets those drivers who choose to speed on residential 50 km/hr streets.
March 8, 2016 @ 7:55 am
My concern is the east-west traffic between Maple and Brant St. a distance of 800 meters which doesn’t sound like much but is a real speedway for the residents on Ontario St. The so called main artery Lakeshore Rd.has only one lane in each direction and FOUR stoplights covering this stretch while the next cross street Elgin has SIX stop signs over the same dist. This brings us up to Ontario St which discounting each end exit/entrance has just TWO stop streets for an 800 meter dash which has cars travelling at least 20 Kms. OVER the 40 kph speed limit …….. especially in rush hour traffic periods when it is at a near standstill on Lakeshore Rd. For the 3 years we have been here I have yet to see a police Radar stopping these speeders who pose a real danger to elder pedestrians out for a walk or come to think of it — bicyclists who likely know better than to tempt fate by challenging one ton boxes of steel moving at them at over than 10 meters per second.