SEPT Ask the Councillor: Does this real estate sign conform? Can boats be parked in driveways? What can I do about rats in my neighbourhood? Is heat regulated in apartments?
Resident B.I. asks: Does this real estate sign on Locust Street conform to our bylaws?
Response: No this sign does not conform. Real estate signs are limited in size to 3msq; this sign is 9msq. The owner has been notified to remove the sign.
Resident J.C. asks: My neighbour has a small boat stored on their driveway. Due to this storage everyday all day until the evening their second car is parked on the street. I wanted to wait and see if the boat would be moved but it has not in over 6 months. Is there any type of bylaw about this?
Response: Under the City of Burlington Zoning By-law 2020, any recreational vehicle, trailer, or any load thereon including a boat, whether on or off a trailer or other supporting device, which does not exceed a height of 1.82 metres, may be parked or stored in any yard all year long.
Any recreational vehicle, trailer, or any load including a boat is permitted in any yard between May 1st and October 31 st as per the Zoning bylaw with one exception: if it exceeds a height of 1.82 meters/ 5.9 feet the parking and storing is only permitted in yards other than the front yard.
With regards to the street parking, the maximum time permitted on street (outside the downtown core) is five hours. To report violations, contact:
Business Hours – Parking Services
o 905-335-7816
After Hours – Halton Regional Police
o 905-878-5511 – ask for Dispatch
o Police will dispatch a Parking Officer.
Resident P. G. asks: I have talked with neighbours up and down my street and we have a major rat infestation. What can the city do to help with this? This is far too big a problem to be handled in a piecemeal fashion by a few homeowners. We need a coordinated effort.
Resident G.P. asks: I work as a security guard at the front desk of a building in your ward. A visiting Personal Support Worker on her way out of the building expressed serious concern about the temperature and humidity in the building’s hallways, in particular relative to the health and safety of our older residents. Is a bylaw or any other governing principle in place to cover this topic?
There are not any by-laws that regulate the level of heat in hallways and common spaces. The Property Standards By-Law does address having to maintain a temperature during certain times of the year (cooler months) but does not speak to heat levels in summer.
October 1, 2016 @ 3:36 pm
Please Marianne, would you explain the rules regarding litter on public streets ? We live at Forest Heights on Upper Middle Road. All the owners who use the underground car parking facilities have to put their garbage out on a Sunday, by a lamp standard, on Upper Middle Road. It looks completely disgusting when people drive along the road, and of course, is open to abuse by people who don’t even live at Forest Heights, as we have seen,,,,,,,,,, Rather like a third world country, so surely, this constitutes as littering on a public thoroughfare ? Would like your take on this subject.
Thank you so very, very much for your informative newsletter – just wish the condo association would be as considerate. Thanks, Nita Farquharson
October 2, 2016 @ 3:54 pm
Nita, We have similar issues in the downtown. That said, if the designated drop off spot for garbage is the lamp post that’s where people will put it, unless the condo were to arrange an internal pick up/drop off. Regarding others dropping off their garbage – this would be difficult to enforce without sending bylaw to go through each bag to determine if it belongs to a resident or someone else.