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Have your say on 2016 operating budget

operating budget pixThere are several ways you can provide feedback on the operating budget:

  • Email your councilor: Marianne Meed Ward
  • Leave a comment on Ward2News below or here:
  • Attend the public meeting: Jan. 14, Tansley Woods Community Centre, 7-9pm,
  • Register as a Delegation to speak at the Community & Corporate Services Committee meeting Tues., Jan. 19, 1-4 pm, or 6:30 pm, City Hall, Rm 247
  • Register as a Delegation to speak at the Council meeting where the Budget will be approved, Mon. Jan. 25, 6:30 pm, City Hall, Rm 247



Web Page: Budget 2016

Written by Marianne Meed Ward

I was inspired to seek public office because I believe, like so many of you, “I can do something about that” on the issues we face. As councilor, my role is to take a stand on what’s best for residents and go to bat for it. Pushback is inevitable from those who don’t have the community’s interests at heart. I will stand with you and for you, to achieve the best interests of our city, without caving to unacceptable compromise in the name of consensus.

One Comment

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  1. Marianne I totally agree with you on the current city budgeting process. We should be starting from a “0” base each year and “not” just keep building on or off the previous years budget. In addition we keep getting “new” additional requests for funding many of which are very fringy at best. I often wonder where the people that come up with these ideas think this additional money is going to come from? I remember when our new performing arts center was being built it was going to be self funding forever and there was no way the city would ever need to worry about covering any of its operating costs. That scenario lasted until all the free labor that wanted it in the first place left because they were tired of doing it for nothing and they then had to start hiring full time people to fill the positions to keep the place open. Now we all are paying for this underused facility that we did not need in the first place. I would love to know the percentage of the population in the city that has ever been in the place. As you know there are more and more pensioners living in Burlington each year and most do not have the luxury of receiving big percentage increases in their disposable income each year for not only normal inflation but the excessive tax increases that keep being thrown at us by the city.

    Keep up the good work you are doing and challenge the city staff to find ways to find the money in their existing budgets because I agree with you and think it is there.

What's your take?