Committee & Council Nov2015: seniors planning; event strategy; heritage designations

The Bistro window – the heart of the Burlington Seniors Centre.
Seniors have a seat at the table for future age-friendly planning initiatives (Approved at Council Nov 2)
Earlier this year, members of the Burlington Seniors Advisory Committee (BSAC) raised the idea of striking a task force to study future recreational and programming needs for seniors, including recreation space in either existing city or private facilities, or in a new stand alone seniors centre. That led to a motion at BSAC to consult with staff, who in the meantime had applied for and received a $50,000 grant for the city’s Age-Friendly Seniors Planning Initiative. As the city council appointee on both the BSAC and the Burlington Seniors Centre Board Incorporated (BSCI), I brought a motion forward that BSAC and other stakeholders be part of the steering committee leading the Age-Friendly initiative, which will develop strategies that promote safe, healthy and active living for older adults. The initiative will also explore future service and infrastructure needs, including the potential of creating new recreational hubs to meet the growing needs of Burlington’s older adults and seniors. There were some last minute changes to the motion, but in the end a motion passed unanimously, giving BSAC and BSCI a seat on the steering committee. Well done to all involved in this effort to advance planning for seniors, many months in the making. Now the real work begins!

The Gingerbread House – always popular during Doors Open – has requested heritage designation.
Heritage property owners voluntarily request designation; plus banning power vehicles on sidewalks; coyote management strategy; public meeting on 2085 Pine development (D&I Nov 9)
The owners of a number of heritage homes in Burlington have voluntarily requested that their properties be formally designated as heritage homes under the Ontario Heritage Act. This provides added protection to these homes from demolition of significant alteration and preserves them for future generations to enjoy. The Heritage Committee and city staff reviewed the designation requests and are recommending approval to designate the following properties as heritage:
- 1018 Greenwood Drive
2085 Caroline Street
6201 Walker’s Line
1375 Ontario Street
1172 (1040) Britannia Road
The requests will be considered at the Nov. 9 Development & Infrastructure Committee (D&I) meeting 1pm (6:30pm where noted.
These voluntary requests are arising out of a new approach to heritage developed by the Heritage Committee with planning staff, to foster a more positive, collaborative relationship with heritage owners. They are a sign the new approach is working. Part of the Heritage Committee’s work included developing a property tax rebate for heritage properties, which these homeowners will be eligible for if the designation requests are approved.
The following are some additional items coming to the Nov. 9 D&I. To read the staff reports associated with each item, visit the city’s Agendas & Minutes page (link below) and click on the Nov. 9 meeting date.
- Report recommending prohibiting the use of motor or power assisted vehicles on sidewalks and multi-use paths.
- Report recommending approval of the Coyote Response Strategy. (Note: this item will be discussed at 6:30 p.m.)
- Statutory Public Meeting and information report for a proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment for 2085 Pine Street. (Note: this item will be discussed at 6:30 p.m. As a statutory public meeting, residents do not need to register in advance to speak to this item, however, pre-registered delegates will be heard first)

Tyandaga golf course was always a family favourite of ours for tobogganing
Rates & Fees, Community Trails strategy, Tobogganing on city property, Appointment of ombudsman, Update on Beachway park (C&CS Nov 10)
A number of items are coming to the Community & Corporate Services Committee (C&CS) meeting 1pm, Nov. 10. To read the staff reports associated with each item, visit the city’s Agendas & Minutes page (link below) and click on the Nov. 10 meeting date.
- Report recommending approval of the Facilities Rates and Fees Policy and Grass Sport Fields Rates and Fees Strategy
- Report providing the financial status as of September 30, 2015
- Report providing information regarding Community Trails Strategy.
- Report recommending approval for tobogganing on City property.
- Report recommending approval for the appointment of an ombudsman.
- Report providing an update regarding Burlington Beach Regional Waterfront Park Master Plan.
- Memo regarding the acquisition of LaSalle Park (from Hamilton).
I will have more to say on these items, including My Take, in a future newsletter.
Staff seek feedback on a corporate strategy for event approval, funding (COW Nov 12)
City staff are seeking council input on developing a strategy for approving new and existing events, including criteria for funding. The development of an event strategy will help guide the community and staff on what the corporation is trying to achieve through events. This visioning exercise is progressively more important as there is increased interest in hosting events in the Downtown Core and in particular at Spencer Smith Park.
Spencer Smith Park has reached its capacity for hosting events. Currently there is a historical approach on what events are hosted in the park. In addition some business and residents have expressed that the downtown roads have also reached their capacity for event hosting and that there is a need for balance. There is a desire to expand eventing outside of the downtown core. Currently there is limited infrastructure to support this interest.
If expanding eventing is the key outcome of the strategy, it is anticipated there will need to be an investment from the City to make this feasible. Among other things, the event strategy will:
- Guide the development of a new events process; providing criteria and a process for considering new events and/or eliminating duplicate or less desired events.
- Outline the approval requirements and risk assessment process.
- Define different event types.
- Outline the guiding principles for funding support from the City.
The strategy will be discussed at the Committee of the Whole workshop 1pm Nov. 12. Read the staff report here: COW Nov 12 – Event Strategy
Share your input
Recommendations at the committee meetings related to each of the above reports go to City Council Nov. 23 for final approval. Residents can speak to any of the agenda items at either the committee meeting (up to 10 minutes) or the council meeting (up to 5 minutes) by registering in advance here: Register as a delegation
Complete agendas and minutes for previous and upcoming committee and council meetings, including webcasts, are available on the city’s Agendas and Minutes page.
Unless otherwise noted, committee and council meetings take place in Room 247 at City Hall. Committee meetings start at 1pm-4pm, continuing again at 6:30 pm if needed (or where noted); council meetings start at 6:30pm.