Additional speed bumps, bike lanes proposed for Drury Lane
Seven split speed humps and on-road bike lanes (both sides) are proposed as a one-year pilot project along Drury Lane, south of Fairview Street (maps below). At the Feb. 22 public meeting that discussed the two-year road construction project on New-Drury-Prospect-Courtland-Tallman-Stinson, city staff heard that residents want to see increased traffic calming on Drury Lane.
Following the Feb. 22 meeting, city transportation staff had further discussions with the Burlington Fire Department and came up with a modified split speed hump design that they feel should reduce emergency response times. The modified design provides a wider space in between the two humps, allowing emergency vehicles to manoeuvre through the centre of the road. Additional paint markings will also be added as a guide for emergency vehicles.
The original traffic calming plan showed three speed humps along Drury Lane. Transportation staff feel the amended proposal will provide a more complete traffic calming plan. The speed humps will be rubber (non-permanent) for the duration of the pilot project. Drury Lane is scheduled for road reconstruction beginning in July 2017. At that time, staff will undertake an analysis of the pilot project. If successful, permanent speed humps will be installed as part of the road reconstruction project.
The proposal also includes the removal of the current on-street parking on the east side of Drury Lane in order to accommodate the speed humps and bike lanes. A letter was sent to residents explaining the rational and you can view it here: March 9 2016 – Drury Lane Traffic Calming Update Letter
For more information or questions, contact Brent Jefferson, Traffic Technologist, at .
April 5, 2016 @ 4:39 pm
Speed bumps – The suspension repair shops must love these things. I would hate to be in an ambulance with an emergency if it accidentally misses the avoidance point.
Hiring extra police is very costly – just look at the Sunshine list for Halton police.
Eliminate speed bumps all over Burlington, and install photo radar.
If you speed you pay. Need I say more ?
March 24, 2016 @ 12:12 pm
Speed bumps everywhere. Got to love it.
By the way, since speed bumps are so effective at reducing speeds and calming traffic shouldn’t that mean that the need for policing will go down? Perhaps we can offset the extra cost of installing the speed bumps by reducing the number of police officers doing traffic duty.
March 15, 2016 @ 12:41 pm
Marianne has anyone approached you for speed bumps along Delaware and Seneca … or at least at the bike path … before someone gets killed? Better yet a stop sign both north and south bound on these residential streets at the bike path. Right now it is a raceway. Allen Jones
March 15, 2016 @ 5:17 am
If you really want to “calm traffic down” then forget speed bumps and use police radar. Has there been ANY surveys noting the number of cars and the speeds they travel on Ontario St. — a 40 kph roadway having ZERO speed bumps and only TWO stop streets — an excellent alternative to Lakeshore road traffic between Maple and Brant !
March 24, 2016 @ 10:36 am
Another road that needs Police calming efforts is Woodward Avenue West of Guelph Line….please
March 24, 2016 @ 11:37 am
We are working on that. Stay tuned.
March 14, 2016 @ 4:35 pm
I understand that the impetus for this traffic calming initiative were residents who were concerned about the levels of speeds which were to the extent that wayward vehicles were colliding with their homes. For a residential street like Drury Lane, traffic calming makes sense. The issues with wear and tear on brakes & increased emissions are too miniscule to consider. The design should help ensure prompt emergency response. The average motorist will likely spend about 15 seconds more getting into or out of the neighbourhood, instead of spending that time waiting at a stop light. Not a big sacrifice where safety is concerned. Cut-through traffic should also be reduced.
This was often overlooked with all the discussion of New Street. The on-road bike lanes here will add further traffic calming benefits, as well as a lower speed / volume route connecting New Street and Fairview including the GO station. A big win for our cycling network, with the infrastructure choice being appropriate for the location. Well done!
March 23, 2016 @ 6:49 pm
I agree that before someone gets killed from speeders that are basically incorrigible, we should use your idea of police radar, but I would make it the photo radar kind that clocks all vehicles and tickets those going over a set limit.
We have been tolerant far too long with this speeding practice – I live on such a street. Under the old traffic calming policy we were unable to get the 50% plus 1 of all the residents. We could never meet the yes response needed.
Residents most often vote no because they don’t like or want speed bumps.
Speeders should not benefit from this controversy.
So let’s get serious and bring in photo radar as an option and let it get a full airing and debate.
March 11, 2016 @ 6:53 pm
I agree with Bob Prociuk. It’s a bad idea and doesn’t replace police presence. Perhaps we need to hire some extra police for traffic law enforcement.
The suspension repair shops must love these things. I would hate to be in an ambulance with an emergency if it accidentally misses the avoidance point.
March 11, 2016 @ 6:57 pm
There seems to be a problem with the reply system; It won’t produce the 3rd vowel (sounds like “eye”).
March 11, 2016 @ 6:42 pm
Marianne, this link is making typo errors as I did not make every one in my previous comment as it reads in moderation.
March 11, 2016 @ 9:50 pm
There is a glitch in the system and it is removing the letter “I” when comments are posted. They look fine when they come in but somehow the letter gets removed. Working on it and hope to have it fixed shortly.
March 11, 2016 @ 6:40 pm
Marianne, did this Drury Lane traffic calming project proposal have the city traffic calming survey successfully achieve the 50 plus 1% of all the households in the survey?
Do the residents understand the nature and need for this survey under city policy?
March 11, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
The city’s methods for traffic calming are changing, so that a resident petition is no longer a requirement. Staff conduct the necessary studies to determine if traffic calming is required and the best methods.
March 11, 2016 @ 1:52 pm
Traffic calming on Drury Lane.
This is bordering on insanity!
Seven speed bumps along a main arterial route that serves buses and heavy vehicles.
I’ll tell you how I drive when I’m coming to a speed bump. When I approach one, I brake. Once I’m past it, I accelerate. Both situations lead to increasing noise levels and more inefficient operation of my vehicle thus resulting in more emissions. You can multiply this effect several fold for buses and heavier vehicles. And if the bumps are designed so emergency vehicles can partially avoid them then what makes one believe that normal traffic will also not use this short cut?
Part of the study should look at noise levels, air quality and increased maintenance cost on city buses due to brake wear.
If this goes through then why don’t we end the traffic calming debate by installing bumps every 10 meters on every street in Burlington? That way everyone would be calm.
March 13, 2016 @ 9:56 pm
Totally agree and love your sarcasm .but sadly speed bumps on all city streets could be a reality
March 11, 2016 @ 1:04 pm
Thank you for this message ref Speed Bumps along Drury Lane….I would also recommend they be installed along Woodward Avenue east of Guelph Line because the recent 40kph speed limit signs do not appear to be slowing traffic too well…..Just an observation.