ADI revises application to 26 storeys; hearing March 14

ADI Development Group will be asking the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) to consider a revised proposal for a 26 storey building at Martha/Lakeshore in downtown Burlington, instead of the original proposal of 28 storeys.

The revisions to the original proposal include:

  • The elimination of the above and below grade encroachments on to City property;
  • A reduction in height from 28 storeys to 26 storeys (8 storeys is the maximum permitted in the Official Plan);
  • A reduction in the unit count from 226 residential units to 192 residential units;
  • A reduction in the number of underground parking levels from 5 levels to 4 levels;
  • A reduction in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 12.5:1 to 11.1:1 (FAR of 4.0:1 is the maximum permitted in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law); and
  • A reduction in the number of vehicle parking spaces from 218 to 196 (240 spaces are required in the Zoning By-law).
City staff have indicated in a report to the Community & Corporate Services Committee (C&CS) Feb. 16 that they do not support the revised 26-storey proposal.

The report states: “The changes that have been made in the revised proposal do not resolve or address the concerns raised by Planning staff in PB-23-15. The height, density and massing of the revised proposal is not appropriate for the site and does not fit with the existing and planned context for this area. The revised proposal does not achieve compatible intensification, represents overdevelopment of the site and does not represent good planning. Staff recommends that the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments required to facilitate the revised proposal be opposed at the Ontario Municipal Board.”

At the C&CS committee, council will have an opportunity to take a position on this revision, which will be conveyed to the OMB during the hearing.

The staff report states that the Ontario Planning Act contemplates that proposals for development may change as part of an OMB hearing. The Act allows the OMB to consider whether a further recommendation from the municipal council would be appropriate. In light of this section of the Act, staff are bringing forward this update and recommendation in advance of the hearing to update Council on the changes, to confirm the staff position has not changed with the most recent proposal, and to work in the spirit of advancing the hearing with a resolution from Council.

The C&CS committee meeting begins at 1 p.m. at City Hall and is open to the public, who can register in advance to speak at the meeting here: Register as a Delegation Recommendations from the committee will go to City Council for final approval Mon. Feb. 29, 6:30 p.m.

The position taken by City Council will be conveyed to the OMB at the hearing, which begins Mon. March 14, 10 a.m. at City Hall, Room 247.

My Take: I support the staff position that changes that have been made in the revised proposal do not resolve or address  the concerns of the project. The revised proposal represents overdevelopment of the site and is not good planning.

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