Official Plan and Zoning amendments requested for Prospect site

Site layout for 2051-2067 & 2069-2085 Prospect St.

Site layout for 2051-2067 & 2069-2085 Prospect St.

Starlight Investments has submitted planning applications to amend the City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law for its sites at 2051-2067 & 2069-2085 Prospect St.

The applications propose to replace 16 four-plex units at the rear of the properties with four townhouse blocks containing 96 stacked townhouses. Two 8-storey apartments at the south of the site will remain. The Official Plan amendment seeks to designate the entire property to Residential – High Density. The Zoning By-law amendment seeks to rezone the properties from RH2, RH4 and RM2 to RH3.

Planning staff held a public meeting on June 25 to share details of the applications and hear feedback from residents. Over 50 residents were in attendance at the meeting.

The notes of the meeting are available below. The PowerPoint presentations from the meeting, along with Starlight’s supporting documents and studies are all available at

Notes June 25 2015 Public Meeting 2051-2067 and 2069-2085 Prospect St.

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