Freeman Station construction now underway
article contributed by Mark Gillies, Fundraising Membership Chair
Hello Members and Friends of Freeman Station
Burlington Junction Station construction work is now underway
Well the work crews are on the scene at our new site on Fairview Street, arriving earlier this week. They are busy preparing the land for the installation of the foundation’s wall forms. It has been a long time coming, and we are all certainly relieved to finally see this progress. In the coming weeks, the real fun begins.
We meet the Mayor
On Tuesday May 20th, Brian Aasgaard, President of Friends of Freeman Station and myself met with Mayor Rick Goldring at his City Hall office to officially bring our Burlington Junction station restoration project up to date with the City. The Mayor took a very keen interest in listening to all of our progress, and asked many interesting questions about the restoration. That same evening on the Cogeco television channel, the Burlington City Council meeting was televised, and to end the evening, Mayor Goldring wrapped it up with some very kind words about the Freeman Station project and the Friends of Freeman Station. We appreciated the recognition very much. Thank you Mayor Goldring.
Burlington’s Best
On Thursday evening May 15th, the Burlington’s Best awards were held at the Burlington Convention Centre. This was my first time at this event, and for those that have never been before, make sure you plan on going to the next one, and many more after that. What an incredible evening! An event like this makes you feel so proud to be living in Burlington. There are so many ordinary citizens amongst us who are committed to volunteering and they all do so many extraordinary activities that benefit many, many people. Cogeco televised the event, so keep an eye out for it.
For Friends of Freeman Station, the evening was a very special occasion. The late Les Armstrong who was one of the founding members of Friends of Freeman Station, who became our first President, and our first Membership Chairman was officially recognized. Les Armstrong continuously championed Burlington’s heritage, and at one time served as the President of the Burlington Historical Society. Les, unfortunately passed away earlier this year, and was posthumously awarded as Burlington’s 2013 Heritage Person of the Year.
Heritage Person of the Year: Les Armstrong

Les Armstrong, Heritage Person of the Year

Peggy Armstrong accepted the Heritage Award on behalf of her late husband Les Armstrong
Meet some great Friends of Freeman Station

From the left is Alan Harrington, Treasurer; Dr. Hans Viergever, a Naming Rights Sponsor, and one of our team of documentary videographers; Ward 2 City Councillor Marianne Meed Ward; Mayor Rick Goldring; Brian Aasgaard, President of Friends of Freeman Station; Reg Cooke, Secretary ; and John Mellow, Restoration Chairman
Great minds think alike

Dr. Hans Viergever & former Mayor Walter Mulkewich, both Members of Friends of Freeman Station chat about the Burlington Junction station. Don’t tell anyone, but I think I overheard Dr. Viergever ask the former Mayor if he wanted to be in his Freeman Station television documentary.

Mike Wallace, Member of Parliament We’re always pleased to see our ever happy MP Mike Wallace drop by and say hello to the Friends of Freeman Station. Mike is always interested to hear the latest updates on the Freeman Station restoration project.

Brian Heagle & Mayor Goldring were very happy to be at Burlington’s Best.
That’s it for now.
Mark Gillies
Friends of Freeman Station
Fundraising & Membership Chairman