Freeman Station mural & six others officially unveiled Dec. 1

Six local artists with pictures of their murals installed around the city.

Freeman Station mural artist Claire Hall speaking at the unveiling.

At the Freeman Station with mural artist Claire Hall, Brian Aasgaard, president of Friends of Freeman Station, and Mayor Rick Goldring.
The Freeman Station has attained another milestone with the installation of a historic mural on the outside walls of the building. The mural shows what the station would have looked like in its heydey. The city’s public art program paid for the mural. It is one of six murals being installed around the city.
All six murals were officially unveiled at a ceremony at Freeman Station Dec. 1. The murals, by local artists, are part of the city’s public art program. More information about the program is below.
Murals by Local Artists initiative
The local artist mural initiative is a new public art program designed to tell local stories using local artists. This year’s program commissioned six small to medium-scale murals throughout the city. These commissions were open exclusively to Burlington, Ont., artists. Free professional development opportunities were offered to assist artists with the application process and project development.
Artist Selection
A community jury of residents and artists representing each ward reviewed the proposals and selected the following artists:
• Judy Mayer-Grieve: King Road Underpass, Ward 1
• Claire Hall: Freeman Station, Ward 2
• Teresa Seaton: Amherst Park, Ward 3
• Hannah Sell and Liam Racine: Port Nelson Park, Ward 4
• Tamara Kwapich: Orchard Community Park, Ward 5
• Donna Grandin: Ireland Park, Ward 6
About the Public Art Program
The mission of the city’s public art program is to enhance the quality of life in Burlington through the rich context of the arts. The program strives to bring artwork by both established and emerging artists to the city centre and the neighbourhoods throughout Burlington, Ont. The program provides cultural opportunity, guides the evolution of a vibrant artistic character for the city’s emerging public places and ensures a visual legacy for all to enjoy.
For more information about the city public art program, email , call 905-335-7600, ext. 7352, or visit

Volunteers help restore the interior of the station.
Meanwhile, volunteers continue to work on renovations to the interior of the station. You can help by volunteering your time or donating funds to the work. Find out more online here: Friends of Freeman Station
- Burlington Junction Station being painted and with new sign