Beachway parking restricted to park users
Parking along Beachway Park will now be restricted to users of the beach. Staff recently installed 12 signs in the municipal parking lots along Beachway Park indicating exclusive use of the parking for beach users.
‘No Parking Tow Away Zone’ signs are also being posted where laneways exist in the parking lots.
Before the signs went up, notices were placed on each car in the parking lot (approximately 180 notices) to warn users that Tagging and Towing would start May 20.
The change is In response to complaints from a number of Beachway Park users that parking was being taken up by construction workers and employees at Joseph Brant Hospital. (See Ask the Councillor)
My Take: I support this move and commend staff on their actions. The parking here is intended for Beachway Park users, not as overflow for commercial uses in the area. I’d also like to thank residents for calling in their concerns – your feedback made a difference and led to this outcome which will help beach users.
May 26, 2016 @ 2:01 pm
Not to get overly semantic but I can see where someone who is ticketed may want to challenge this ruling. The parking lots are part of the park therefore anyone who parks their car there is by definition a ‘user of the park’ and is entitled to park there.
This also points to another issue. I recall looking at the park master plan that there was not a lot of provision for parking for future beach users. Something about shuttle buses but given the boatload of ‘stuff’ families show up with at the beach, how practical is a shuttle bus going to be?
May 26, 2016 @ 12:56 pm
As always, I am just saddened that we can’t pass a single law that says “BE CONSIDERATE”.
A new parking law will probably help, but will likely catch the innocent, and those with plausible excuses as well. With all the rules and restrictions on the use of the beach, Hamilton side is often my choice.