Road repair coming to your street
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Select roadway improvements in the 2015 capital budget include the following:
- Lakeshore Road from Maple Ave to the city limit: (Will be completed in conjunction with the Beachway Master Plan) $2.8 million, including $235k for bike lanes.
- Plains Road East from Fairview St to Brenda Crescent, full road reconstruction and proper storm drainage below the CN overpass: $1.3 million, including $75k for bike lanes.
- Plains Road East bridge rehabilitation (under CNR tracks), $1 million.
- Brock Ave, Elgin to Ontario, reconstruction and sidewalks, $310k.
- Edinburgh Drive reconstruction, including new curbs, sidewalks, pavement and storm sewer repairs/replacement, $1.2 million.
- New Street resurfacing from Martha to Guelph Line, $825k. NOTE: In 2015 staff will be submitting a report identifying the cost of providing segregated bike lanes along the New Street corridor. Last year, staff provided a report estimating that elevated bike lanes in this section would require widening New Street, for a total additional cost to the project of roughly $1 million. I do not support the widening, and am comfortable with staff’s initial proposal of a painted bike lane on the north side of the street, and sharrows (share the road markings) on the south side. See previous articles: Council considers widening New St for raised bike lanes for $2m and Staff recommend one bike lane on New, two lanes of traffic, one full centre turn lane; June 16
Shave & Pave
As part of the annual $3 million shave and pave program, the following Ward 2 streets will be resurfaced in 2015:
- Pine (from Pearl to Martha);
- Queesway Drive, west of the cul-de-sac to Brenda Crescent;
- Stinson Ave (Fairleigh Place to New St);
- St. Paul St (South end to Lakeshore Road).
Future road repair projects
- 2016: Drury Lane resurfacing, from New to Fairview and north of Fairview, $1 million.
- 2016. As part of the work, the intersection of Drury Lane and Prospect Street will be reconstructed.
- 2016 & 2018: Brant Street & Plains Road Reconstruction, to provide additional capacity for traffic movement. $51,000 for design in 2016, with construction in 2018.
- 2018: Tallman Ave & Courtland Drive reconstruction, including new road base, sidewalks and any water or wastewater replacement, $1.05 million
- 2018: Hydro Corridor Multi-use Pathway Paving, from Graham’s Lane to Lakeshore Rd., paving the existing gravel path at 4 metres wide, in keeping with the Cycling Master Plan. $425,000.
- 2016-2018: Restoration of decorative street lights throughout the downtown, $221,000 per year over four years, for removal, sandblasting, painting, reinstallation and rewiring. There are over 400 street lights within this program.
- 2018: Replacement of Drury Lane pedestrian bridge, $1.65 million. The upcoming Transportation Master Plan will address the policy decision-making framework necessary to make an assessment of locations throughout the city that warrant pedestrian crossing structures at railways, creeks and highways. The funding is a place holder until further information is available.
- 2018: Ghent & Hager Avenues minor reconstruction (resurfacing as well as replacement of curbs and sidewalk sections where necessary) $650,000
- 2018: Lakeshore Road reconstruction, from Nelson Avenue to Elizabeth Street, $3.6 million in 2018, including $550,000 for bike lanes.
- 2019: James Street reconstruction from Brant St to Martha St: $1.8 million, including $680,000 for hydro wire burial.
- 2016 & 2018: Harvester Road at Guelph Line improvements and widening: $500,000 for land acquisition in 2016; $2 million for construction (2018) including $525,000 for bike lane installations.
February 9, 2015 @ 4:21 pm
In regard to Lakeshore Road improvements, are there plans to widen this road due to the fact it is now the only way to get into the new parking garage at Joseph Brant and the future new entrance to the hospital? It is nearly impossible to turn left out of the parking lot if there is any sort of accident on the QEW and Lakeshore is backed up. As you can imagine, it is a very busy thoroughfare at shift change times at the hospital. It is also nearly impossible to “squeeze” down Lakeshore if there is a large event at Spencer Smith Park as cars are parked along both sides of the roadway. Also, how will these improvement impact on the accessibility to the hospital parking?
I see Courtland Drive is being redone. I thought it was redone not that long ago?
February 9, 2015 @ 1:13 pm
Hi Marianne
Regarding the 2018 Hydro Corridor paving existing gravel pathway from Graham’s Lane to Lakeshore: Since the Hydro work that was done a few years ago in that Hydro corridor, from Ontario Street going north there is hardly any gravel on that “pathway”, it is mostly mud. In particular the short section from Ontario Street to the paved pathway that crosses the hydro corridor (from Maple Crossing to Caroline) is heavily used. Is there any chance of having some gravel put down in Spring of this year to help alleviate the muddy mess that we encounter?