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Improvements coming to QEW-403 interchange

Booth at Burlington Mall Farmers Market Aug. 16

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has initiated a Class Environmental Assessment Study for the Queen Elizabeth Way from the north end of the Burlington Skyway to Guelph Line, and Highway 403 from QEW to Grindstone Creek, in the City of Burlington. The study area is shown on the map below.

The objectives of the study are to produce alternatives for:

  • Improvements to the QEW and Highway 403 through the Freeman Interchange;
  • Rehabilitation/widening/replacement of bridges in the study area;
  • Drainage improvements;
  • Illumination improvements;
  • Preparing concept designs for a new transitway from west of Brant Street on the 407 ETR and connecting to the Aldershot GO Station; and,
  • A carpool lot near the Plains / Fairview Interchange.

The public is encouraged to review the project website and submit any comments. The website will be updated regularly to provide information on events including the Public Information Centres, and project documentation.

The project team will have a pop-up style booth at local community events. Look for the booth at the Burlington Mall Farmer’s Market located at Prospect Street and Guelph Line on Wednesday, August 16th.

An additional Public Information Centre is anticipated to occur in fall of 2017. The project was initiated in Spring 2017 and study completion is anticipated in Winter 2019.

For additional details visit the project website: Hwy 403-QEW interchange

Written by Marianne Meed Ward

I was inspired to seek public office because I believe, like so many of you, “I can do something about that” on the issues we face. As councilor, my role is to take a stand on what’s best for residents and go to bat for it. Pushback is inevitable from those who don’t have the community’s interests at heart. I will stand with you and for you, to achieve the best interests of our city, without caving to unacceptable compromise in the name of consensus.


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  1. Right Jackie. Why do we let people’s need to pass through burlington have such a significant negative impact on our community?

  2. Hopefully there is room in the some push here for safe crossings for pedestrians and cyclists! It’s not just people driving through Burlington who need to get around.

  3. What a fantastic opportunity to unlock the valuable land around this interchange and to realize the city’s goals of connecting north with south. So many facets to this, hope that the city is at the table from many different perspectives – traffic and transportation, connecting walking, cycling & public transit, land use, public safety, etc. If some of this area which is a prime location can facilitate development that is sustainable and transit supportive, it will lessen the pressure to intensify other areas of the city. Hope the Province, Region and City can get it together, avoid working in silos and develop a plan that considers not just moving traffic through the city, but all those other aspects as well.

  4. Improvements to that interchange area ought to include finding a way to directly connect the QEW to the Burlington GO station. That area is a traffic disaster every day, with much of that traffic just being people trying to get to/from B-GO from/to the QEW highway. Getting that traffic off of Plains, Guelph, and Brant, would be a major improvement for local traffic and improve transit reliability.

  5. interesting choice for public input ..wednesday farmers market.. is that connecting with the people who sit in the traffic daily ? ..long study “study completion is anticipated in Winter 2019″…have people stand on the overpass every evening to observe, will take 1 day to figure out.. backed up to 3rd line for my commute home.. HOT sits as well. ..some of these studies are incredible ie road diet…saw 15 bikers in spandex on the bike path south of new street not the road path…all these add up to time into my commute

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