
Traffic calming not required (for now) Ghent Ave, west of Hager

Residents on Ghent Ave, between Brant (West side) and Hager report this stretch of road is becoming increasingly used as a thoroughfare with increased traffic flow on a daily basis, as well as during peak morning morning and afternoon “rush hour” periods.
Staff have previously reviewed this area, collecting traffic data in 2015 and 2016. The results of both studies indicated traffic calming measures were not warranted.
However, staff is in the process of creating a pavement marking plan to install a yellow centerline with a white parking line on the south side to help promote slower speeds. These markings should be installed in the fall.
This section of Ghent Avenue is currently scheduled for a minor reconstruction in 2019. Staff will determine if any traffic operational improvements such as lane width reductions or road narrowings can be included within the road works. Once the roadway has been finished, staff will re-review the traffic calming warrant to determine if any additional measures are required.
Residents are encouraged to report speeding concerns to the police to request enforcement here: Traffic Complaints Police use these reports to help plan spot enforcement areas.

Written by Marianne Meed Ward

I was inspired to seek public office because I believe, like so many of you, “I can do something about that” on the issues we face. As councilor, my role is to take a stand on what’s best for residents and go to bat for it. Pushback is inevitable from those who don’t have the community’s interests at heart. I will stand with you and for you, to achieve the best interests of our city, without caving to unacceptable compromise in the name of consensus.


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  1. I have never seen so many traffic calming bumps in my life . Live in downtown area,If you want slower traffic you should move to a different area. Thank god the city came to its senses other even more traffic will come down Hager. Richmond already has bump outs in the road . when does the bs ever stop.

  2. The issue is less with speeding than with parking – especially large vehicles related to construction, delivery, or maintenance of private property. They create hazards by narrowing lanes, particularly dangerous near curves such as Ghent near Hagar or the east end of Ghent near Pearson. Someone just plops down some orange cones and claims 2/3 of the road to everyone else’s disadvantage. Often the property being serviced has a perfectly adequate driveway but they prefer appropriating the road.

  3. Interesting thing happened in England a number of years ago traffic calming was introduced to the side streets and through roads etc, now I read they are concidering doing away with the idea as it creates more unnessasary polution interesting don’t you think.

  4. Marianne, please get rid of this bureaucratic BS term–traffic calming. Nothing the city has tried “calms” traffic, merely frustrates drivers and leads to increased speeding to make up for the obstacle course. However, I would like to see more of the electronic readouts that tell you what speed you are doing–I think most drivers do react positively to this initiative without the attendant obstacle course

    • Phillip Wooster Thanks for the feedback. For those who live on a street with speeding, the speed bumps provide welcome relief. For cut-through traffic, the bumps slow them down – which is the idea. So, for as many complaints as I get, I also get thanks. The city does review whether the bumps are effective before adding additional ones. On Drury Lane, for example, sumps were planned but staff are reviewing adjacent streets to see if the speed bumps work before installing. A number of Drury Ln residents are not happy with the delay; others may be happy there aren’t any. We try to strike a balance with data.

    • That said, I agree that we need more electronic message boards. I brought a motion to provide additional budget to add more, but not enough other councillors supported it. The boards are very popular city wide and we don’t have enough.

    • The electronic boards appear very effective and sometimes appear to shame the driver who is speeding. Too bad it can’t be tied to camera ticketing. Now that would reduce speeding without the nuisance of a speed bump. Not to mention increasing revenue!

    • Kerri Murray Vane I have also asked for a review of additional red light cameras (that’s what you’re referring to). That motion passed.

  5. Marianne Meed Ward how do we go about looking into this for Seneca avenue? Cars are speeding down the street more and more and I have seen many near misses near the path.

    • Seneca has been reviewed and also does not meet the criteria (I know, that will sound counterintuitive to folks that have experienced bad drivers). Please report to the police using the link in the article above.

  6. People are moving through these areas because of advances in GPS technology that guides them to alternate routes when traffic slows on the main roads. They arrive in our neighbourhoods frustrated and in a hurry to make up lost time, and they speed because they are confident the neighbourhood streets are not monitored by police.

  7. Personally, I think many communities are seeing in increase in traffic due to volume, construction and other delays around Burlington. Drivers need to be respectful of the posted speed limits.

  8. I like your work ethic and the reason you sought office.A Lincoln said “The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but can not do at all, or can not so well do, for themselves – in their separate, and individual capacities.” Congrats to you, we are lucky to have you.

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