Standing committee and council meetings resume Tues. Sept. 5 with the Planning & Development Committee, at 1pm and 6:30, and Committee of the Whole – Workshop on Sept. 7.
On the P&D agenda:
- Draft new official plan: Public consultation and engagement summary
- Burlington Accessibility Advisory Committee 2016 annual report and 2017 workplan
- Arts and culture funding program and cultural action plan (Note: This item will be discussed at 6:30 p.m)
- Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Zoning By-law amendment for 1215 Appleby Line (Note: This item will be discussed at 6:30 p.m.)
Residents can register to delegate (speak to committee) on any item on the agenda for up to 10 minutes. Advance registration is required: Register as a Delegation
No advance registration is required to speak on the Appleby Line item, as that portion of the agenda is a Statutory Public Meeting. The chair will call three times from the floor for anyone to speak, for up to 10 minutes. You can register in advance for this item, in which case you will be called up first, in the order registrations are received, prior to opening the floor.
Any motions or recommendations arising from this meeting will go to City Council for final approval Sept. 11, 6:30 pm, in Council Chambers. Residents can delegate at council for up to five minutes. Advance registration is required: Register as a Delegation
If you already spoke on an item at Committee, you can speak to Council, but must bring new information on that item.
Read the full agenda and related reports here: Agenda Package – Planning and Development Committee_Sep05_2017
Watch for further articles on these items, including My Take.