Jan. 12 Statutory Public Meeting – 2026 & 2036 Plains Rd E Rezoning
Burlington Hyundai has applied for a zoning amendment at 2026 & 2036 Plains Rd E. to permit motor vehicle storage in conjunction with their dealership at the corner of Brant Street & Plains Road.
As part of the City’s Development & Infrastructure Committee meeting, city staff will hold a statutory public meeting under the Planning Act on:
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 426 Brant St., 2nd Floor
City staff support the zoning amendment and will be recommending approval of the application at the Jan. 12 meeting.
Staff report:
The staff report will be available on the city’s website after Dec. 18, 2015 at www.burlington.ca/agendasandminutes. Scroll down to the Development & Infrastructure Committee meeting of Jan. 12 and select the agenda.
Speak at the meeting:
Residents may attend the Jan. 12 meeting to share with council their views about the project. As this item is part of a statutory public meeting, residents do not have to register in advance to speak at the meeting. However, those residents that do register in advance will be called upon first. The maximum time limit to speak is 10 minutes. More information about appearing as a delegation and to register, visit http://www.burlington.ca/en/your-city/speak-at-a-meeting.asp. Residents are also welcome to attend the meeting as audience members, to listen to the discussion, without having to speak.
Contact information:
Questions about the application can be sent to the planner responsible for the file, Todd Evershed, at or by calling 905-335-7600, ext. 7870.
January 27, 2016 @ 6:11 pm
Maybe I’m just grumpy today, but I resent anything that further accommodates ‘the car’ – believing instead that we have to make public transit more appealing than owning cars.