New home proposed for 366 Delaware
The city has received an application for a new home to be constructed at 366 Delaware.
The property currently contains a one storey single detached residential dwelling. The application is intended to facilitate the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a new 2-storey, 241 square metre (2,603 square foot) dwelling.
The applicants are proposing a modern style dwelling with flat roofs, constructed with cedar wood siding and brick. There is a single car garage, and windows on the first and second storey facing the street.
The Zoning Section is conducting a thorough review of the proposed development to evaluate zoning compliance. As the review is not yet finished, it is not known if any variances are required. The applicant is working very hard to stay within existing zoning, so that variances will not be needed.
If variances are required, residents within 60m would be notified by letter and a sign would go up on the property. I will also provide information here, including how residents can provide input.
Regarding the design of the proposed dwelling, the Zoning By-law and the Design Guidelines permit modern / minimalist style dwellings. That being said, the Design Guidelines do encourage designs that respect the character of the local area.
According to the city planner who is reviewing this file, the proposed dwelling is appropriately sited, utilizes appropriate materials (brick, cedar wood siding), has a clearly defined front entrance, utilizes an appropriate amount of glazing at the front, and incorporates varied wall projections – all of which are encouraged by the Design Guidelines. The planner will be working with the applicant to make a few minor tweaks to the design of the house, but for the most part, the proposed design complies with the City’s Design Guidelines.
The neighbours on either side have been contacted and are aware of the application. An email will also go to residents who have requested to be informed of infill in the neighbourhood.
The design of the home and the site layout can be viewed at City Hall, planning counter, 2nd floor, between normal business hours. No appointment necessary, but you can schedule one. To view the plans in person or if you have any questions, please contact the planner on the file:
Kyle Plas, (905) 335-7600 ext. 7555,
January 29, 2016 @ 6:27 pm
This is not a comment of concern, just an information post from our neighborhood in Aldershot.
A modern flat roof home was recently built on Park Avenue East, in Aldershot, after a small, older, 1-story house was demolished. The neighbors we talked to didn’t like it as they really think it doesn’t fit into the designs of street area, but that’s not the point. It was approved and built so it has to fit.
It was now apparent that the house is a speculative build, but the part that blew my mind is that it just went up for sale a few weeks ago, and the the real estate sales office offered the house for $2,495,000, and that’s not an error.
In this street area, and in much of the nearby area to the north, the average price is between $500,000 and $800,000, according to various local real estate notices, although some nearby on the street have sold for more, but still less that half than $2.5 million. . There are a number of tear-downs recently, and a property nearby, according to the next door neighbor, sold for $600,000 to $700,000, and the house is already demolished.
We are not sure what to think of this, and who knows about the price. It doesn’t look anything like a $2.5 million house, but who knows. We just find it disturbing.
Again, I just provide this for information.